Norma Poet Biography: Argentine POET


Norma Poet 


  From Argentina

 Poet-Writer and fan of Art in all its disciplines.

His work is reflected as Norma Poet and Norma Art, since 2011 on Facebook, so his literary biography goes back to his passage through Literary Networks that deepened his awakening towards the poetic path.  Among them: International Creativity, Magic Castle of Poets, El Desván del Poeta, Cultural Circle of Latin Poets, Coquimbo Network of Arts and Letters, La Alborada, World Hispanic Union of Writers, Venezuelan Society of International Art SVAI, Huellas de Poets and much others.


 Founder and Administrator of his literary groups: “Norma and Her Friends, Sensibility and Feeling”, “You always you”, “That mysterious moon, inspiration of the poets”, “And I tell you love”, “Writers of the world with Norma Poet”, “Literary Art and its beautiful expressions”, “Melody of Letters and Music for the Soul”, “Pictorial Art and literary expressions”.Creator of Groups and Pages related to Culture, Art and Humanities such as Norma Art on Facebook.

 - Author of two books of poems: "In a Sea of ​​Love and Poetry" (2019) and "Watercolor of Love and Poetry" (2019)

 - Cultural Manager and Promoter related to Literary Art.

 - GOLD Belt 2020 of the “Regional Society of Writers” Buenos Aires – Argentina with the distinction of “Outstanding Personalities in the World of Culture”

 - Administrator of Foreign Literary Groups: Works at Flladi Poetik (Albanian Group) and The Dream of Equality Peru.  -Develop his Creative Art as Norma Poet on Instagram and Tik Tok.

 And for reference:

 Norma Art/Norma Poet is the one who expresses her own concerns from the heart, it is the result of the search for topics related to man, nature and God, from her own motivation and her curiosity to know the world and human behavior.

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